Well, as promised, the beginning of the month has rolled around and its time for the first installment of TGT 2008, the saga!
It is always best to start from the beginning when ever tackling any task, therefor I would like to briefly talk a little about HM #1, Danny Neumann.
The fact that Danny’s reign as number one HM came as no surprise to most of us, mainly due to the fact that as soon as we return home from any trip he begins spreading the stoke for the next trip, outstanding TGT etiquette.
It’s that kind of energy that keeps the TGT train rolling!
The reality is that all of us are drudging through the daily grinds of life, suddenly, a simple email can change the perceived headaches of the day and prep the noggin for the ride!
Danny began his tenure as an original core TGT member by traveling the Coastlines of California and Baja. Each year team members have come and gone, yet Nuby has stuck to his guns, through thick and thin, happiness and heartache, healthy…and not so healthy…Danny has always led the charge…three cheers for Nuby!
The trips have splattered across the board from cheap Big Sur getaways to elaborate Fiji runs, yet it all comes down to the three B’s: Bro’s, Boards and Booze!
Luckily there are still a few on board who not only developed the TGT roots but also created the life style…the “TGT Culture” as you will.
Yeah, you can call it want you want “Man-cations”, “Male Bonding” (Thats Bonding, not Bondage Bruff) but it will always be “TGT, The Guys Trip” to us! As we enter the 24th season, all of us can reflect back on that special trip, that perfect wave, that crazy story, that scary moment, the incredible people that we share those memories with… we all are very lucky and blessed hombres!
That is what so cool about TGT, the opportunity for someone to lead the charge on a new adventure, to create a memorable moment, to take us away from the daily tunnel vision, even if for just a brief time. Life is too short guys, we have to maintain the legacy…besides, pickling your liver once a year is good for the heart!
The 2008 TGT trip will be one for the books, completely different that what has have ever been done before so I hope you’re ready!
Ok…the first 2-hints to the 2008 TGT trip is:
- One Way Airfare
- Peses
Next installment 6/01/07